
Novena of Masses to Our Lady of Sorrows


The Novena begins September 6, 2024 and ends on September 14, 2024.

Suggested donation is $60.

Click HERE to enroll. When you reach the Comments field, please state, "Novena of Masses to Our Lady of Sorrows for (name)". Please enroll by September 6.

‘Our Lady of Sorrows’ is a title of the Blessed Mother and acknowledges her earthly sufferings. Mary participated in God’s plan for the redemption of the world through her spiritual martyrdom: the Prophecy of Simeon, the Flight to Egypt, the loss of Jesus for three days and finding Him in the Temple, meeting Jesus on the Via Dolorosa, the Crucifixion of Jesus, Jesus is taken down from the Cross, and the Burial of Jesus. Pope Pius VII introduced the Feast of ‘Our Lady of Sorrows’ into the General Roman Calendar in 1814. In 1913, Pope Pius X moved the Feast Day to September 15. Our Lady of Sorrows is the Patroness of several countries and religious orders around the world. Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us!

September 6, 2024
10:00 am
10:00 am
September 6, 2024
10:00 am
September 14, 2024
10:00 am